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var path = { location: window.location.origin, query: Object.fromEntries(query) }; var currUser = null; window.onload = setIndexes; function setIndexes() { var tRows = document.querySelectorAll("tr .index-num"); tRows.forEach((el, i) => { el.innerHTML = `<h6 class="mb-1">${i + 1}</h6>`; }); } function view_image(username, first_name, id, userId) { document.querySelector("#hidden-model-button").click(); var loader = document.querySelector("#loader"); var image = document.querySelector("#payment-ss"); currUser = { username, first_name, id, userId }; fetch(`${path.location}/v3?id=${}&q=payment-screenshot&imageId=${id}`) .then((res) => res.json()) .then((data) => { if (data && data.status == 1) { = "none"; image.setAttribute("src", data.message); = "block"; } else { swal( { title: "Error", text: data.message, imageUrl: "" }, function () { closeModal("close"); } ); } }) .catch((err) => { console.error(err); swal( { title: "Error", text: "An error occurred while fetching image.\nPlease try again later", imageUrl: "" }, function () { closeModal("close"); } ); }); } function closeModal(type) { var loader = document.querySelector("#loader"); var image = document.querySelector("#payment-ss"); document.querySelector("#close-model-btn").click(); = ""; image.removeAttribute("src"); = "none"; if (type == "block") { swal( { title: "Block User ?", text: `Are you sure you want to block this user with ${ currUser.username ? "username" : "name" } of ${currUser.username && "@"}${ currUser?.username || currUser.first_name }\nThis action will delete all the images uploaded by this user and this user won't be able to use your bot again`, type: "info", showCancelButton: true, closeOnConfirm: false, showLoaderOnConfirm: true }, handleAction("block") ); } else if (type == "reject") { swal( { title: "Reject User Payment ?", text: `Are you sure you want to reject payment of this user with ${ currUser.username ? "username" : "name" } of ${currUser.username && "@"}${ currUser?.username || currUser.first_name }\nThis action will delete the image uploaded by this user`, type: "info", showCancelButton: true, closeOnConfirm: false, showLoaderOnConfirm: true }, handleAction("reject") ); } else if (type == "accept") { swal( { title: "Accept User Payment", text: `You are accepting payment of this user with ${ currUser.username ? "username" : "name" } of ${currUser.username && "@"}${ currUser?.username || currUser.first_name }\nEnter the amount below to credit to user's wallet`, type: "input", showCancelButton: true, closeOnConfirm: false, inputPlaceholder: "100" }, function (inputValue) { if (!Number(inputValue) || inputValue.trim() == "") { swal.showInputError("You need to Enter a valid Number!"); return false; } swal( { title: "Add User Balance ?", text: `Are you sure you want to add ${inputValue} 💎 to this user wallet with ${ currUser.username ? "username" : "name" } of ${currUser.username && "@"}${ currUser?.username || currUser.first_name }`, type: "info", showCancelButton: true, closeOnConfirm: false, showLoaderOnConfirm: true }, handleAction("accept", inputValue) ); } ); document .querySelector(" .form-group input") .setAttribute("type", "number"); } } function handleAction(type, amount) { return () => { fetch(`${path.location}/v3?id=${}&page=manual_payments&imageId=${}&userId=${currUser.userId}&type=${type}${amount ? "&amount=" + amount : ""}`, { method: "post" }) .then((r) => r.json()) .then((data) => { if (data.status == 1) { if(type == "reject" || type == "accept"){ document.querySelector(`#ss-${}`).remove() } else if(type == "block"){ document.querySelectorAll(`.ss-user-${currUser.userId}`).forEach((el)=>{ el.remove() }) } } swal({ title: data.status == 1 ? "Success" : "Error", text: data.message, imageUrl: data.status == 1 ? "" : "" }); if(currUser) currUser = null; }) .catch((err) => { console.error(err); swal({ title: "Error", text: `An Error occurred while ${type}ing this user ${ type != "block" && "payment" }`, imageUrl: "" }); }); }; } </script> </body> </html>